Bespoke Railway Sleeper Flower Beds – Oxford

A client in Oxford requested our landscaping services to help upgrade their garden with a solution that would make it easier for them to maintain their flowers but without the need to bend down so frequently.

Our solution was to craft three stunning raised flower beds constructed from rustic railway sleepers. Railway sleepers are a fantastic choice for raised beds – they’re naturally durable, weather-resistant, and add a touch of rustic charm to any garden. The raised design elevates the flowers, making it much easier for the client to tend to them.

They also provide ample space for the client to plant a variety of plants and flowers and create a vibrant and visually appealing focal point in their garden.

If you’re looking for a way to make your garden easier to maintain, raised flower beds made from railway sleepers could be the perfect solution. Our experienced team can design and build beautiful raised beds that suit your needs and preferences. Get in touch with Windmill Landscapes today on 01844 279519 to discuss a quote.